Emission Control

Emission control has many areas of concern. Plants must effectively address the issues of existing and potential dangerous situations. These issues include:

  • System and personnel safety
  • Equipment reliability
  • Emission monitoring on both the state and federal levels
  • Economic solutions

We offer in-depth engineering consulting and design options to solve even the most difficult applications.

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Emissions Control

Flexaseal Recommends

  • Hydraulically balanced faces reduce face loading and the subsequent, generated heat. This design also allows for higher pressure capabilities (Style 58A)
  • Tandem designs maintain product and barrier fluid on the outside diameter of both the inboard and outboard sides of the seal, increasing safety and promoting improved heat dissipation
  • Pumping rings to maximize the flow of cooling fluid around the seal faces
  • Antimony-impregnated carbon seal faces for increased thermal conductivity and increased strength for less face distortion at higher pressures


  • Shrouded multi-spring designs
  • Dual seal designs with external pressurized lubrication for lowest emission applications
  • Auxiliary support systems
  • FCSA Dry Running Containment Seal: dual seal arrangement with contacting wet high or low temperature inner seal with dry contacting multi-spring outboard containment seal.