API Plan 02
Dead-ended seal chamber with no recirculation of fluid and optional cooling/heating jacket.
Plan 02 is used in the chemical industry and other applications where low speeds and pressures are required.
Application Notes
- Used in low speed applications with low seal chamber pressures where control of the seal chamber temperature is desired.
- Common in the chemical industry.
- Cooling or heating jacket may be used to control the seal chamber temperature. Cooling jacket is recommended for narrow seal chambers.
- Chamber must be fully vented prior to pump startup.
- Flush port is plugged.
- No external hardware or piping to the seal.
- Pump efficiency is unaffected.
- Solids are not reintroduced to the seal area.
- Cooling jackets are prone to fouling in high temperature applications.
- External piping is not necessary
- Seal plan does not alter pump efficiency
- Solids are prevented from re-entering seal area
- High temperatures may damage seal
- Not compatible with vertical pumps